Menopause and Insomnia

“When I hit menopause, my wonderful sleepy nights ended,” says Elisabeth M. “I would usually wake up between 2-3am and think, and think, and think…”
According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 61% of post-menopausal women report symptoms of insomnia.
Elisabeth’s nightly episodes weren’t typically accompanied by any one worry in particular, but they were consistent and significantly impacting her quality of life.
“I hated it. I’d finally fall back asleep around 4-5am and then wake up at 7am for work and feel like a truck had hit me overnight,” remembers Elisabeth. “And this is coming from a former never-move-or-stir-all-night sleeper!”
Her trouble sleeping led her to begin experimenting with a variety of sleep aids.
“They helped me sleep, but I’d also feel so groggy and fuzzy in the morning that it almost made me feel worse,” she explains. “Plus, I wasn’t happy at all with taking that sort of medication regularly.”
Elisabeth didn’t want to be putting unnatural products in her body on such a regular basis and wanted to stop, but couldn’t trust her body to sleep through the night.

Elisabeth taking her dogs for a walk on a rainy day.
“The happy ending to this story is LUNA,” says Elisabeth. “I felt no negative side effects, and even if I did wake up in the night, I’d just turn over sleepily and happily and go back to sleep again.”
Elisabeth’s decision to give LUNA a try was based on the safe and herbal ingredients inside such as Valerian, Lemon Balm, and Chamomile.
“I feel good about it being natural and harmless, and I am not worried about taking it for the long haul,” she explains. “I look forward to getting into my bed every night rather than dread and stress over whether I’ll actually sleep through the night.”
With her sleep woes behind her, Elisabeth is back to living each day to the fullest.