4 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Hannah Prince · Jan 13 2016

It isn’t a secret that one of the most frequently asked questions in health is: “How do I lose weight?”

There are many resources that market: the latest fad diet, guaranteed weight loss pills, and every imaginable quick fix under the sun.

I would suggest that your journey back to health not be a quick fix. You didn’t suddenly become unhealthy, so it's unlikely that the road back to health will be instantaneous.

When you begin this journey back towards optimum health and nutrition, it's important to take an honest inventory of your lifestyle. It can be as simple as starting to educate yourself as to how you got out of touch with your health in the first place.

Sit down and develop a plan, which will help you get back on track. This plan needs to be manageable and enjoyable otherwise you won’t stick with it. By focusing less on the scale and more on building a sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle, you will maximize your chance of success.

Let me offer some tips that may help you achieve your goals:

1. Add In Healthy Foods, Instead Of Removing Them

At the beginning of your journey, you may find it difficult to wrap your mind around giving up all ‘bad’ foods at once. This usually doesn’t work for most people, unless they have incredible self-discipline. It is much easier to begin by adding healthy foods into your diet and slowly removing others over time.

Gradually, you will notice increased energy levels with the addition of nutrient-dense foods. Your body will recognize this and your body will develop a craving for these healthier foods. By doing this you also save yourself from feeling deprived by giving up all junk food cold turkey. Thus, reducing your risk of going on a junk food binge and falling off the wagon permanently.

2. Coconut Oil Before Meals

Taking a tablespoon of coconut oil before staple meals has many benefits due to its medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs). MCT oils help you feel satiated for longer periods of time. MCT oils also boost your metabolism which will help burn extra calories. Incorporating coconut oil into your diet has many other incredible benefits. It helps the regulation of your thyroid gland (often tied to difficulty losing weight), the control and reduction of cellulite, and antimicrobial properties to help with detoxification.

Learn More About Our MCT Oil Powder

3. Don’t Eliminate Fat From Your Diet (Fat doesn’t make you fat.)

This is one of the most common misconceptions to which consumers have fallen victim due to aggressive marketing. Daily, we are bombarded with the benefits of low-fat, no-fat products. One of the things to be aware of is that many products that claim to be low-fat often depend on the addition of sugar. Sugar acts as a substitute for the flavor that is lost when fat is removed. Sugar cause blood sugar imbalances that contribute to the storage of fat and weight gain.

It's a healthier approach if we shift away from eliminating fat entirely from our diets and instead focus on eating healthy fats. Healthy fats such as coconut oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds can actually aid in general weight loss, and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

4. Building Exercise Into Your Daily Life

When we study some of the healthiest societies around the world, we discover that people aren’t necessarily running to the gym every day. Rather, they have found ways to incorporate exercise into the rhythm of their lives. It was shown that people who naturally incorporated movement into their daily lives stay healthier and in shape naturally. These activities can be as simple as mixing and grinding foods, walking to local the market, taking the stairs, biking.

By no means am I saying you shouldn’t go to the gym or hit your local yoga class. These are both fantastic ways to lead a healthy lifestyle! What I am saying is that by incorporating simple exercises into your daily routines you are giving yourselves a head start.


There are also supplements that can naturally support the body when it comes to losing weight in a mindful way, with a healthier lifestyle as the end goal.

5-HTP is a natural supplement derived from Griffonia simplicifolia, a plant native to West and Central Africa. 5-HTP is the precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that has been linked to healthy moods and enhanced positivity. Supplemental 5-HTP may help to maintain levels of serotonin in the nervous system which promotes a healthy mood and positive attitude.

In addition to its benefits when it comes to a healthy attitude, 5-HTP is also known for its ability to promote weight loss as it has been shown to reduce appetite. It appears to do this by stimulating serotonin production in the brain.

MCT Oil Powder is another supplement to explore when approaching in a healthy way. MCT oils are a superfood for supporting a healthy metabolism. When consumed with a healthy, balanced diet, the chemical structure of MCT Oils encourages your body to digest them quickly, sending them straight to the liver for burning. Rather than getting stored as fat, MCT oils turn into fuel.

MCT fatty acids can have anywhere between six to twelve carbons in their chemical structure, but the magic number is eight. Eight carbons (C8) in the fatty acid chemical chain is the goldilocks size, it’s neither too big nor too small. Our body can digest it easily and quickly turn it into fuel, instead of storing it as fat. If C8 is the top dog of medium-chain fatty acids, C10 comes in at a close second. 

MCT Oil Powder is an easy way to get a concentrated dose of these beneficial MCT fatty acids into our bodies every day. Look for MCT Oil powder that is sourced entirely from coconut oil. And ideal blend is two-thirds C8 MCT fatty acids and one-third C10.

While we are sharing healthy ways to lose weight and get in shape, it's important to remember that there is no ideal body weight or shape. As you regulate your lifestyle and patterns your body will let you know where it feels comfortable. We are all beautiful – so remember that and treat yourself as so!