A Gut Health Diet to Optimize Your Body

Bradley Keys · Jan 05 2023

A Gut Health Diet to Optimize Your Body

There's a lot that goes into properly taking care of our bodies. Health gurus regularly discuss the importance of good sleeping habits, consistent exercise regimens, and a solid dietary plan as three main components of leading a healthy and rewarding lifestyle. Make no mistake; these are the benchmarks for being fit as a fiddle.

However, something that sometimes gets overlooked is the importance of properly maintaining our guts – otherwise known as our digestive or gastrointestinal systems – through a targeted gut health diet. Gorging on processed foods is far too easy, especially when comparing their availability and pricing to additive-free, organic, vegan, or all-around healthier alternatives.

Nonetheless, the dollars we save at the supermarket and fast-food restaurants can come back to charge us for more in the form of gut health issues. In this article, we'll examine the importance of a good gut health diet, indicators that you might need to eat more gut health foods, and some popular solutions that can free you from the shackles of a chronically upset stomach, such as a gut cleanse diet.

Gut Health Diet: An Overview

Gut health refers to the digestive system's overall health, including the esophagus and the intestine. Our bodies' digestive systems are responsible for breaking down food into the nutrients our body needs to function properly – whether for physical activity, mental problem-solving, or standard communicative processes. All this, of course, is done thanks to many bacterial microorganisms residing inside your gut, also known as the gut microbiome.

The gut microbiome is the community of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa) living inside the digestive tract. Research suggests that this microbiome may be linked to extended longevity, and certain microorganisms may even enhance athletic performance. However, it's important to note that everyone's microbiome is unique, and a gut cleanse diet that may benefit one person may not have the same effects for another.

Why is Gut Health Important?

The gut plays several vital roles in the body beyond digestion, as it regulates hormones and plays a critical role in immune system function. The gut wall, in particular, acts as a barrier to keep out harmful substances, but sometimes this barrier can become permeable, a condition known as "leaky gut." 

Certain health conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and celiac disease, may also increase the risk of leaky gut and make you more prone to infections.

Furthermore, research suggests a strong connection between gut health and mental health. The gut-brain axis (GBA) is responsible for bidirectional communication between the central and enteric nervous systems that link the emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with intestinal functions. The microorganisms in your stomach can stimulate the nervous system, send messages to the brain, and release neurotransmitters such as serotonin – which is dubbed "the happy hormone."

Therefore, implementing a gut health diet or gut cleanse diet that incorporates various gut health foods could benefit your mental well-being as well as your physical strength.

Signs You Could Benefit from a Gut Cleanse Diet

Several external factors in modern-day life can impact the gut microbiome, such as a diet high in processed and sugary foods, inconsistent sleep, high levels of stress, and antibiotic use. Subsequently, these factors may affect various aspects of health, including the risk of developing certain diseases, weight shifts, swinging hormone levels, and overall immune system malfunction. 

Here are some common signs that your digestive system could use a transition into a gut cleanse diet shortly.

Stomach Issues

Some common, rather noticeable signs that your stomach may be struggling to digest food and eliminate waste include frequent discomfort, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn. Increasing your gut health foods intake could reduce the pain and help your digestive system function more smoothly.

Before indulging in any form of self-medication to remedy these issues, speak to a trusted doctor to find a solution that works best for your unique gut microbiome.

Sudden Weight Changes

Weight changes without any changes in diet or exercise habits may be a sign that the gut is not functioning optimally. A weakened gastrointestinal system can affect the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels, absorb your body's nutrient intake, and store fat. This may explain why you've suddenly gained or lost five pounds seemingly without a reasonable explanation.

Weight loss can be caused by small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, a primary indicator of malabsorption, while weight gain may be caused by increased inflammation inside your gut or insulin resistance. Unless your scale has randomly gone cuckoo, sudden weight changes are as surefire as it gets that your digestive system could use some assistance from a targeted gut cleanse diet.

Inconsistent Sleeping Habits

While inconsistent sleeping patterns and habits can be attributed to various other underlying issues, a deficiency of gut health foods can be blamed for your struggles when hitting the hay. According to research, difficulty sleeping, fragmented sleeping patterns, and shortened sleep durations can be linked to certain chemical imbalances in your stomach's microbiome, which can lead to chronic fatigue.

The next time you're dragging yourself around the workplace anxiously waiting for your shift to end because you couldn't sleep well for most of the night, poor digestive system health might be to blame. Implementing a gut health diet could help you fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep through the night.

Food Intolerances

Food intolerances occur when our bodies struggle to digest certain foods or chemicals. This is different from a food allergy caused by an immune system reaction to certain foods. 

Food intolerances, such as lactose intolerance, could be caused by missing microbiomes inside your gut or a lack of quality from these bacteria resistants. These issues can lead to struggles digesting these trigger foods and symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, gas, nausea, and diarrhea.

Switching to a gut health diet that prioritizes gut health foods over trigger foods will help your system function more reliably.

Sugary Dietary Regimen

Consuming large amounts of sugar, such as high-fructose corn syrup, can lead to an excess of "bad" bacteria in the gut and contribute to inflammation inside your body, increasing the risk of developing other diseases. While gorging on hamburgers and soda most weekdays might be the tastiest and most practical option for your wallet, it's essential to be mindful of sugar intake and consider its impact on your overall health and your gut's well-being.

You might be asking yourself, "if this is the case, what can I consume while on a gut cleanse diet?" 

Luckily for you, we have a comprehensive list of far healthier options that can satisfy your digestive system ten-fold and, if applied correctly to your diet, can become a staple component of a well-balanced dietary regimen. Believe it or not, there are supremely delicious gut health foods that might not strain your wallet too much.

Effective Gut Health Foods & Remedies

From yogurt to green powder supplements, there are plenty of not-too-costly unhappy digestive system remedies one can purchase and smoothly incorporate into their culinary regimen. Most of these options aren't exactly full-course meals either; they can seamlessly be substituted into your favorite recipes, transitioning your regular eating habits into an effective gut health diet.

Here are some of the most effective gut health foods and remedies.


Yogurt is a good source of probiotics, also known as "friendly" bacteria, and it's best to choose sugar-free, full-fat versions and add your own fruit for a tasty and healthy breakfast. Yogurt drinks may also contain high numbers of beneficial bacteria for the gut, but it's essential to be mindful of their sugar content. 

As is the case with all forms of nutrition, everything can be excellent for you and your stomach's health in moderation. Don't gorge yourself on a full tub of yogurt because experts say it's healthy for a gut cleanse diet.

Olive Oil

Gut bacteria and microbes thrive on a diet rich in fatty acids and polyphenols, which can be found in olive oil. Research has shown that olive oil may help reduce gut inflammation and ease indigestion problems while assisting the pancreas in reducing the need to produce digestive enzymes. 

The most incorporable item into your diet, olive oil can be easily used as a salad dressing or drizzled over cooked vegetables. Think twice the next time you want to use butter to give your food a sizzle.


Aside from naturally squeezed fruit or herbal beverages and plain old water, there aren't many tasty drinks one can have without worrying about their side effects on your stomach. Most commercially-produced drinks are too sugary, and although they taste excellent, it's hard not to feel somewhat guilty about consuming them.

Kombucha is one recently trending beverage that can be beneficial for gut health. This fermented tea drink is thought to have originated in Manchuria and is rich in probiotics. It's also known for its sharp, vinegary taste. 

Kombucha can be consumed on its own or mixed with fruit or spice, and it's also commonly used as the base for cocktails. 


Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help keep "bad" bacteria in the gut under control and balance yeast levels inside your gastrointestinal system. It's commonly used as a flavor enhancer in savory dishes – if you've ever wondered why Italian food tastes so good, garlic is quite a usual suspect. 

The compounds in garlic act as a fuel source for bacteria, which can improve gut function and aid in healing your digestive system.


Miso is a fermented paste made from soybeans, barley, or rice that is rich in helpful bacteria and enzymes and is used in dips, dressings, and soups in Japanese cuisine. Alternatively, miso can also be used as a marinade for salmon or tofu. It's a dairy-free dietary staple in some regions where fermented foods – such as kombucha – are commonly consumed.

Similarly to its other gut health counterparts, miso also happens to be high in probiotics, which assist your body in maintaining healthy bacteria levels and reduce the risk of digestive system issues such as diarrhea or bloating.


Fresh ginger has digestive benefits and can help stimulate the production of stomach acid and the movement of food through your gastrointestinal system. It can be added to soups, stews, smoothies, and stir-fries, or used to make a refreshing ginger tea by pouring boiling water over grated ginger. 

While some people aren't particularly fond of its bitter taste, ginger has been used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory remedy for sore throats, alleviating PMS symptoms, and as a serotonin and dopamine level booster. It's also packed with antioxidants, which can lead to healthier, finer skin. 

If you're a fan of tea in the morning, try throwing in some ginger for a change!

Green Powder

When it comes to supplements designed for treating failing gut health, green powder is one of the most potent options one can purchase. It's commonly used as a dietary supplement to assist people in reaching their daily recommended intake values of minerals, vitamins, proteins, and other dietary needs. Green powder is also becoming a popular remedy to treat gut health.

Of all the green powder supplements on the market, Super Greens Original offers a blend of nutrients most specifically designed to support gut health. It's free from common allergens like gluten, dairy, nuts, and soy.

This supplement also includes the prebiotic inulin and three strains of probiotics that work together to support the growth of good bacteria in the gut. The organic greens in the formula also provide both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can aid your gut microbiome's overall well-being.

Sip Your Way to a Greener Gut Now!

As the party responsible for digesting your daily nutritional intake, your gut should be a primary focus when taking proper care of your body. Implementing a targeted gut health diet that features gut health foods is the best way to do this. You can take your gut cleanse diet even further by adding supplements that are formulated with gut-supporting pre- and probiotics.

Shop now for our Super Greens Original Supplement and enjoy enhanced gut health, as well as a variety of other nutritional benefits!

  • Compare the benefits of Greens Powders vs Vegetables in our blog "Greens Powders Vs Vegetables" and make informed choices for a healthier diet.