- Supports Gut Health
- Boosts Daily Nutrition
- Soothes Digestion and Eases Bloating
- Improve Your Nutrition
- Boost Your Brain Power
- Boost Your Energy
- Support Your Immune Health
- Reduce Inflammation
Super Greens
Sip your way to a healthier gut and improved nutrition with super greens. Our one-scoop superfood blend of organic greens, dairy-free probiotics, fiber, and digestive enzymes.
Super Greens Supports
The science behind the claims
Gut Microbiome: Profound Implications for Diet and DiseaseHills RD Jr, Pontefract BA, Mishcon HR, Black CA, Sutton SC, Theberge CR. Gut Microbiome: Profound Implications for Diet and Disease. Nutrients. 2019 Jul 16;11(7):1613. doi: 10.3390/nu11071613. PMID: 31315227; PMCID: PMC6682904.
Role of the gut microbiota in nutrition and healthValdes AM, Walter J, Segal E, Spector TD. Role of the gut microbiota in nutrition and health. BMJ. 2018 Jun 13;361:k2179. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2179. PMID: 29899036; PMCID: PMC6000740.
From gut dysbiosis to altered brain function and mental illness: mechanisms and pathwaysRogers GB, Keating DJ, Young RL, Wong ML, Licinio J, Wesselingh S. From gut dysbiosis to altered brain function and mental illness: mechanisms and pathways. Mol Psychiatry. 2016 Jun;21(6):738-48. doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.50. Epub 2016 Apr 19. PMID: 27090305; PMCID: PMC4879184.
The gut microbiome, diet, and links to cardiometabolic and chronic disordersAron-Wisnewsky J, Clément K. The gut microbiome, diet, and links to cardiometabolic and chronic disorders. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2016 Mar;12(3):169-81. doi: 10.1038/nrneph.2015.191. Epub 2015 Nov 30. PMID: 26616538.
Factors affecting the rate of hydrolysis of starch in foodSnow P, O'Dea K. Factors affecting the rate of hydrolysis of starch in food. Am J Clin Nutr. 1981;34(12):2721.
Critical review: Vegetables and fruit in the prevention of chronic diseasesBoeing H, Bechthold A, Bub A, et al. Critical review: Vegetables and fruit in the prevention of chronic diseases. Eur J Nutr. 2012;51(6):637-663.
Closing America's Fiber Intake Gap: Communication Strategies From a Food and Fiber SummitQuagliani D, Felt-Gunderson P. Closing America's Fiber Intake Gap: Communication Strategies From a Food and Fiber Summit. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2016 Jul 7;11(1):80-85. doi: 10.1177/1559827615588079. PMID: 30202317; PMCID: PMC6124841.
Intake of dietary fiber, fruits, and vegetables, and risk of diverticulitisMa W, Nguyen LH, Song M, Jovani M, Liu PH, Cao Y, Tam I, Wu K, Giovannucci EL, Strate LL, Chan AT. Intake of dietary fiber, fruits, and vegetables, and risk of diverticulitis. The American journal of gastroenterology. 2019 Sep;114(9):1531. *Disclosure: Andrew T. Chan receives consulting fees from Janssen, Pfizer Inc., and Bayer Pharma AG for work unrelated to the topic of this manuscript.
Super Greens
This is the green powder we developed for our most health-conscious friends who want to support your gut, improve daily nutrition, soothe digestion, and ease bloating … the whole works … in just one scoop.
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Testing Process
Each batch goes through 4 stages of testing
We Test For
Herb Identification
We confirm the identity of each herb by using a highly specific and accurate test method based on chromatographic fingerprinting.
We Test For
Microbial Counts
The raw ingredients and final supplement are tested for concerning pathogens.
We Test For
Heavy Metals
Not the music
The raw ingredients and final supplement are tested for arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead.
We Test For
Third Party
We work with third party labs to test the amount of vitamins, minerals, and specific active ingredients.