Meditation in the Workplace

By now most of us have heard about the benefits of meditation,
but so many people still see it as a “hippy” activity. The team here at Nested Naturals is shifting that perspective and encouraging others to meditate in the workplace in 2017! As a nutraceutical company, our team is passionate about walking the walk when it comes to health and wellness. We’ve found that a 10 minute group meditation every morning not only decreases stress, but improves moral, productivity and efficiency.
In a world where 40% of workers say their job is very or extremely stressful,
25% view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives and job stress is more strongly associated with health complaints than financial or family problems, Nested Naturals believes it’s time for change. Meditation has been shown to counter stress. Research shows that people who meditated regularly for six weeks showed less emotional distress when they were put in a stressful situation.
Our team has experienced many benefits from this daily practice.
As a group we feel more calm, connected, present, clear-minded and productive.
“The science is in and the benefits of meditation are now widely documented, so the decision to make it a morning ritual in our office was a no-brainer,” says our Co-Founder & CEO Jeremy Sherk. “It really helps everyone start the day with a clear, focused mind and it’s been a great way to bring the team together.”
Another way we keep stress in check is by utilizing our own products,
after all, we only make and sell products using ingredients we’d be happy to put in our own bodies. 5-HTP and Mood Lift are two of our most popular natural products for stress management, anxiety relief and lessening the severity of symptoms associated with mild depression.
Would you consider adding meditation to your morning routine at work? Let us know in the comments!