10 Tricks For a Healthier Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, as they say, and for good reasons. More time to spend with family and friends, gifts everywhere, and a lot of food. Oh, the food. Starting at Thanksgiving, going through all the winter holidays, and not stopping until the new year. Come January, the gyms are overfilled with ambitious people working on their resolutions. But why get to that point? You can have your holidays, stay in shape, and eat too. Read on for 10 ways to stay healthy and happy this holiday season
1. Choose wisely
You don’t have to attend every single holiday party, and you don’t have to eat every single thing at said party. Want dessert? Consider limiting your alcohol. Want an extra drink? Consider limiting your appetizers. You get the idea.
2. Look for healthy recipe alternatives
There are ways to eat pecan pie, without overdosing on processed sugar. If you don’t want to make your own healthy alternatives, do some research on which shop in your area has healthy options to shop for your favourite dishes.
3. Everything in moderation
Remember that while you may enjoy the 5th slice of pumpkin pie, you will most likely feel like crap the next day. If one night you overindulge, just jump right back into your routine instead of waiting for the holidays to be over.
4. Check in with yourself
Instead of trying to lose weight during the holiday season, simply focus on not gaining weight. Weigh yourself regularly to keep your weight in check. When the holidays are over, you will still be you, with no regrets and more power to focus on your goals in 2017.
5. Write it down
If weight management is your goal, t’s a good idea to keep a journal of what you’re eating. Chances are, when you see the trillionth sweet potato on paper, you will want to limit yourself come tomorrow’s holiday party.
6. Don’t skip breakfast
Even though it may feel logical, denying yourself food for the whole day “to save calories” for a party is not the best strategy. You will have no energy, nothing to fuel your body, and will eat way more than you would have otherwise.
7. Keep moving
It may be hard to stick to your workout routine with extra parties and events on the horizon, but try to keep your workout schedule as regular as possible. It will make you feel better overall, and will help maintain the goals you’re working for!
8. Destress often
The holiday season, as exciting as it is, brings in more stress. People are frantically looking for presents, figuring out their social schedule, and trying to take out of town trips. Keep your stress away by exercising, meditating, and making time to do what makes you happy.
9. Have a treat
Remember that it’s okay to allow yourself a favorite dessert, an extra large turkey leg, or a huge eggnog. Holidays are to be enjoyed, and the extra stress about food is not going to make you happy. Moderation is your best friend, and will help you stick to your health and fitness goals.
10. Enjoy yourself
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so enjoy it. Spend time with your loved ones, treat yourself, treat your friends, and enjoy the magical atmosphere that comes around during the holiday season.
How are you putting your health first this holiday season? Let us know in the comments!