5 Ways To Tell If A Supplement Works

“I don’t know if supplements are safe or if they do what they say they’re going to do, so I just don’t take any.”
We hear this a lot. And as much as it breaks our hearts that the supplement industry has failed its consumers, this sentiment was also the driving force that inspired us to create Nested Naturals. Missing out on the benefits of natural dietary supplements that help you sleep better, feel better, work better and live better in fear of them causing more harm than good is unacceptable, so we’ve developed a guide to help you determine if the supplement you’re interested in is safe and effective.
1.) Read the Reviews
Listen to the people! If you’re considering adding a supplement to your health routine, take advantage of the honest and valuable feedback health conscious folks like yourself have left on various supplements. Because we’re all unique and react to supplements in different ways there is sure to be a variance of raving fans to disappointed consumers, but you’ll be able to get a general idea of the effectiveness of a supplement by checking out the reviews.
2.) Do a Transparency Check
A quick browse through the company’s website should give you a good indication of the quality of their products. Do they list the ingredients? Do they inform you of their sources? Is it clear what each product does? Are they passionate about health and wellness? Is it easy to find contact information if you have a question? Do they offer a money back guarantee?
3.) Show Your Doctor
You’re probably not a professional label reader, nor should you have to be to determine if a supplement is right for you. Bring along the product details to your next doctors appointment and ask for his or her medical opinion, especially if you’re concerned about the effects it may have on any medication you’re currently taking. Many doctors have high quality products they frequently refer and can help you determine if the one you’re interested in is a good option based on the quantity of each ingredient.
4.) Mind The Price
Listen, we love the dollar store. It’s a fantastic place to pick up party hats, craft supplies and last minute birthday cards. But dietary supplements to nourish your body? Not so much. We’re not suggesting you need to spend your life savings on a single bottle of Vitamin D, but keep in mind you truly do get what you pay for, and it’s unlikely you’ll get the best quality and absorption possible for 99 cents.
5.) Third Party Testing
Another way to be sure you’re getting a high quality product with all of the key ingredients you’re looking for is to check if the brand has their products tested by a third party lab. All supplements stamped with a third party seal must be manufactured properly in a GMP Certified facility, contain all of the ingredients listed on the label, and be free of any harmful contaminants.
We’re proud to say Nested Naturals checks all 5 boxes. Did you find these tips helpful? Let us know in the comments!