Meditation Techniques for Beginners

Quick tip: Sit for 2 minutes. Meditate first thing in the morning each day. Be single-focused on the what [meditation]...and not the how [expert techniques]. Check how you’re feeling as you meditate [are you tired, anxious, or getting relaxed?] Count your breaths and as you take each breath, keep counting until you get to 10 -- then repeat. When you’re done, give yourself a big smile.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.
It is a transformational practice that helps melt away the layers of stress and anxiety that build up over time in our bodies [that we might not even be aware of, to begin with].
There are so many different kinds of meditation techniques, ranging from simple breathing meditations to more complex ones. And, although each comes with its own unique benefits, it’s best to stick to the simple, yet super-effective ones if you’re just getting started.
One interesting thing about meditation is that it can be done anytime, and anywhere [meaning you don’t need any special type of equipment or location to get in the zone].
It is also a very ‘personal’ activity as what is considered relaxing for A might be completely exhausting for B.
Meditation is a very healthy practice with several benefits. People who engage in regular meditation have been known to better manage stress, tension, and even lower their blood pressure.
Well, now that you know what meditation is plus its benefits, lets deep-dive into 3 simple meditation techniques for beginners...shall we?

Meditation techniques for beginners
#1: Breathing meditations
Yes, new research shows there’s a strong link between breath-focused meditation, attention span, and brain health.
Breathing meditation helps you achieve better focus, improves libido, and helps the mind focus on more positive emotions.
How to practice breathing meditation?
Let’s go with Dr Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 Breathing Technique.
- Start by emptying your lungs
- Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds
- Hold your breath for 7 seconds
- Exhale firmly through your mouth, pursing the lips, for 8 seconds
- You can repeat this breathing cycle up to 4 times for best results
#2: Mindfulness meditations
So, the Mayo Clinic defines mindfulness as a type of meditation where you focus on being intensely aware of what you are sensing or feeling moment by moment without judging or trying to interpret.
How to practice mindfulness meditation?
- Sit comfortably
- Notice what your legs are doing [if on a cushion, cross your legs comfortably in front of you. If on a chair, rest the bottoms of your feet on the floor]
- Straighten your upper body
Notice what your arms are doing. Situate your upper arms parallel to your upper body. Rest the palms of your hands on your legs wherever it feels most natural
- Soften your gaze
- Notice when your mind wanders from your breath
- Don’t be too judgmental on your wandering mind. You may find your mind wandering constantly—that’s normal, too. Instead of wrestling with your thoughts, practice observing them without reacting. Just sit and pay attention
- When you’re done, gently lift your gaze [if your eyes are closed, it’s time to open them]. Take a moment and notice any sounds in the environment. Take note of how your body feels right now. Take note of your thoughts and emotions
#3: Focus meditations
As the name suggests, focus meditation has to do with focusing on one object at a time [say, a flower or candle,] spending some time to really observe every component of that object.
How to practice focus meditation?
Say, you fancy red rose flowers. Sit comfortably in a chair and place the flower some distance from you.
As you stare admiringly at the flower, imagine yourself touching it and feeling it’s soft, succulent texture.
Next, pay attention also to the lines and contours, and the super attractive colour.
Keep observing until all you can see and think of is the flower.
That’s it guys -- but before you go…
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