Dealing With Hair Loss

“In 2013 I underwent bariatric surgery and it was a game changer for me,” says Elizabeth. “Wearing size 10 clothing in time for my son’s wedding was a dream come true… the only drawback was that I experienced serious hair loss after the surgery.”
As a consumer with incredibly high expectations for her health and wellness products, Elizabeth was weary about trying various products on the market.
“Beauty and health products can be a toss up as to living up to their promises,” she explains. “I actually resorted to wearing wigs whenever I went out.”
Hair loss after bariatric surgery (or any stress or trauma to the body) is unfortunately very common, according to the Kim Bariatric Institute.
“The hair loss associated with bariatric surgery is called telogen effluvium and has to do with the normal hair growth cycle,” reads the website. “It usually starts abruptly and very seldom lasts longer than 6 months.”
While that’s promising for many, Elizabeth’s battle with hair loss lasted much longer than the estimated 6 months.
“The hair has never returned …until recently,” says Elizabeth.
She started taking Nested Naturals Biotin Plus approximately 2 months ago and couldn’t be happier to report that her hair is finally coming back.
“Even my hairdresser was amazed at the new growth,” says Elizabeth. “My hairline has almost been restored to its previous state. In addition, my hair has grown thicker; I am no longer watching my hair going down the drain in the shower or falling to the floor when I brush it.”
At 67 years old, Elizabeth would have expected to see her hair begin to thin out, but instead it is once again becoming a source of pride.
“Seeing my hair come back is a dream come true,”
she adds. “I would never have thought that I would be singing the praises of any particular product, but I am sticking with Nested Naturals Biotin Plus for the long haul. The results speak for themselves; it is worth it’s weight in gold.”
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