Gratitude is Good For Your Heart

A study out of the University of California found that practicing gratitude for the things you are thankful for in life can result in improved mental and physical health.
The study focused on a group of men and women with asymptomatic heart failure, and found that those who practiced gratitude were rewarded with better moods, better sleeps, less fatigue and lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers related to heart health.
We know you’re already on top of taking care of your heart by taking your Vitamin K2, but how can you incorporate gratitude into your daily routine to reap these newfound benefits as well? We recommend starting a gratitude journal!
How to Start a Gratitude Journal:
Choose a Journal You Love:
Your journal can be anything from a spare notepad to a beautifully monikered blank book. Choose a journal that makes you feel good when you open it to write.
Decide on a Time:
It may take a bit of trial and error to find a time of day that suits you and your schedule best to write in your gratitude journal. Many find the end of the day works best to not only have the most clarity about the most positive points of their day, but to use this journalling exercise as a way to unwind and relax before bed.
Be Consistent:
Similar to taking a supplement like Choline, consistent journalling can help strengthen and protect cognitive function! While we typically problem solve from a left-brained perspective, engaging right brained creativity can unlock new ideas, solutions and levels of understanding.
Keep it Specific
Aim to write 3-5 things you’re grateful for in your gratitude journal every day. Rather than writing generic statements of gratitude, try to be as specific as possible. Rather than saying “I am thankful for good health”, consider something like “I am thankful for the strength in my legs that allowed me to keep up with my friends during our hike.”
Turn Negatives to Positives:
Not every day is going to be sunshine and rainbows, but keeping a gratitude journal can help remind you to cultivate light and optimism even in disappointing situations. An example of this might be something like “I am stressed out about a looming project deadline at work, but I am grateful to be recognized for my ability and trusted with extra responsibility.”
So there you have it- you’re now on your way to a healthier heart and a stronger mind with the help of your new gratitude journal. Got something to add? Comment below! We’d love to hear your thoughts on gratitude, journalling and the benefits you’ve felt since adding Choline and Vitamin K2 to your diet.